19 05 2024

Seven new sculpture symposiums join ISSA, including Bahrain as a new member state

Recently seven sculpture symposiums have been approved as new members of the International Sculpture 

 Symposium Alliance (ISSA), with the Middle Eastern country of Bahrain joining for the first time, becoming 

the 59th member of the alliance.

Bahrain, a country on the Persian Gulf, celebrates International Wood Day every November with a wood 

sculpture symposium, which officially joins ISSA, along with two sculpture symposiums from the Hebei

 Academy of Fine Arts and three sculpture symposiums from Taiwan, including the Taiwan Wood Sculpture 

Association, the Nantou Drunken Stone Creative Association, and the IKOKO International Creative Exchange


Another sculpture symposium, also from the Middle East, is from the Sultanate of Oman on the east coast of 

the Arabian Peninsula. Since then, the Alliance now has 137 affiliates from 59 countries.

Editor: Liu Qin, Song Mingcheng

Translator: Sun Ya’nan

Legal Advisor: Tao Ranting