25 08 2024
The on-site sculpture creating event inRautavaara, Finland, and ISSA Finland were held from July 1 to
August 15 in Rautavaara, a small town near the North Pole in eastern Finland. Sculptors Lin Liren and
Zheng Yongduo completed their sculptures on site.
During the one and a half month sculpture creation activity, the artists demonstrated high technical and
artistic level, and also exchanged with the local community in the field of culture and education.
Rautavaara is a municipality in the North Savonia region of Finland, located in the east of the country,
100 kilometers from Kuopio. It was founded in 1874 and has an area of 1,235 square kilometers. Mayor
Mikko Kärnä was honored as an honorary member of the League for his contribution to the development
of sculpture.
Materials Provider: ISSA Executive Member Lin Liren
Editor: Liu Qin, Song Mingcheng
Translator: Sun Ya’nan
Legal Advisor: Tao Ranting