Peter Matl
Petro Matl
Born on 22nd July in 1960 in Mukachevo, Ukraine. Parents were teachers in the Hungarian Secondary School, which he also attended. In 1979 . Graduated with distinction from the Bela Erdelyi Art College, studying pottery. From 1980 worked as a high school art teacher, as a designer and sculptor of the Regional Art and Applied Art Association, a monumentalist artist, and currently running his own business creating public statues, fountains, religious altars and sculptures.
Began artistic work in 1970, since attended several national and international art exhibition and symposium. In the last 15 years mostly created statues made out of wood, stone and bronze. In 1996 won the Millecentennial Statue Competition of the Hungarian World Society.
As recognition of my work in 2003 received the Silver Cross of the Hungarian Republic and in 2006 Carpathian Artist Neauvou Award.
His art can be found in the following places: Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden, France, Japan, Germany and the USA, Brazil and Poland .