Valentino Giampaoli was born in Loreto, Italy in 1969.
He graduated from the Institute of Arts in Ancona in the Art of Metals and Jewelry.
In 1993 he graduated in Sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Macerata.
In 1988, he exhibited for the first time, while still a student, with a solo exhibition at the Institute of
Arts in Ancona, thus beginning his artistic career.
In 1999 he won a national competition for the monument to the Fallen of the Italian Resistance
Movement in Naples. The monument was opened in 2005.
He received various private and public commissions for the execution of modeled figures, portraits
and sculptures.
He has taken part to numerous exhibitions and competitions, obtaining several successes.
He is also a Scultpure teacher at the Institute of Arts in Ancona.
My work is an aesthetic research in which geometry and perspective take shape
through a contrast of elements that create a dynamic shaped, in which the light
gains the upper hand.
I like to think of my art as a search, as an input and lastly as a visual
proposal. I create forms through the use of symbolism and archetypes, to let it
become an instrument of abstraction, food for thoughts and an immediate meeting
point between the subject and the object.
Through observationit is possible to give shape to reality and turn it into a
game where everyone can express the child within.
Major Group Exhibitions, Personal, Competitions and Symposiums
2020 – 1° Sculpture Symposium “Trame di Travertino”, Acquasanta Terme, Italy
– Personal exhibition, ”Escape plans”, Castelfidardo, Italy.
2019 – 7° International Sculpture Symposium in Differdange, Luxembourg.
2018 – 12° Symposium in Erto e Casso, Italy.
2017 - 3°International Sculpture Symposium, Laragne-Montèglin, France.
2016 - 3° International Sculpture Symposium, Tabriz, Iran.
- International group exhibitions, "A-Round", Eger, Hungary.
- 3° International Sculpture Symposium, Ayia Napa, Cyprus.
2015 - 1° International Sculpture Symposium "Les journees du marbre", Aubert, France.
- 5° International Sculpture Symposium in Differdange, Luxembourg.
- 25° International Sculpture Symposium “Stone in the Galilee”, Ma’a lot Tarshiha, Israel.
2014 - 12° International Sculpture Symposium “Forma viva Makole”, Makole, Slovenia.
- 20° International Sculpture Symposium “Art-Engiadina”, Sent, Switzerland.
- 21° International Sculpture Symposium “Kunst in Stein”, Wunsiedel, Germany.
2013 -“The 10 days of the stone” 8thInternational Sculpture Symposium, Lettomanoppello (ITA).
- 16° International Symposium of Sculpture on Stones of Friuli Venezia Giulia (ITA)
2012 - 7° International Symposium of Sculpture of Verzegnis (ITA).
2011 - 4 International Symposium of Sculpture, Tottea of Crognaleto (ITA).
- 3 rd Symposium of Sculpture Collemarino, Ancona (ITA).
- 1 st International Symposium of Sculpture in Pearl Coreno, CorenoAusonio (ITA).
- 15 ° International Symposium “Alive Sculpture 2011,” San Benedetto delTronto (ITA).
2010 - V International Symposium of sculpture Giulianova (ITA).
2009 - 1st Sculpture Competition “PietroTancredi”, AcquasantaTerme (ITA) 1 First Prize.
2008 - III International Symposium of sculpture Giulianova (ITA).
2005 - International Sculpture Symposium “Castigliarte_05,” Castiglione Messer Marino (ITA).
2004 - 3 ° International Symposium of Sculpture of Castelraimondo (ITA).
2003 - 9 National Competition of Sculpture, Spinetoli (ITA) - 1st place.
2002 - Personal exhibitionat the "Sala degli Archi" Montefiore Conca (ITA).
Exposure "BibliaPauperum", Palace Pianetti, Jesi (ITA).
2001 - 2nd International Competition "The young sculpture," Montefiore Conca (ITA) - Prix
Purchase "Montemaggiore Art”.
- Exposure "Leaves", Palazzo Marini, Rosignano Marittima (ITA).
- Exposure "Art Filottrano", public collection, Filottrano (ITA).
2000 - Exhibition "E20", Battle Palace, Jesi (ITA).
1999 - Prize "Giovanni Carfora" National Competition "Ideas for a monument to the fallen of
resistance, Naples (ITA)- 1st place.
1997 - Exhibition "100 artists for the male blackbird, Charterhouse St. GiacomoLauro (ITA).
- Exposure "Tracks" StudioVerrina, Naples (ITA).
1996 - Speech to the Institute of Sculpture at the Fine Arts of Brera, Professor Paolo
- Gallerani, Milan (ITA) April 2.
- Exposure "The corner of my eye”, Recanati (ITA).
- Personal exhibition "For - last", Bell S. Michael, Saviano (ITA).
1995 - 2 Prize "E. Mannucci, Sassoferrato (ITA) - 1st place.
- Personal Exhibition, Atelier “Loving Arc”, Ancona (ITA).
1994 - Exhibition Award Seledi Institute, Sassoferrato (ITA) - Acquisition Award.
- Exposure Award Marche, Ancona (ITA).