Maria Tofini Tsantila
Personal Information
(Maria Tofini Tsantila)
Date of Birth:20/07/1958
Marital Status:Married
Current Address: Kavo Greko 3,P.O.BOX 30437 Ayia Napa, Cyprus, 5343
Contact Info: 00357- 23816307 , 0***7
Bachelor of Economical Science Studies
Thessaloniki Macedonia University,
17 March 1982
Courses: Years 4 Introduction to Financial Acc., Introduction to Business, Fundamental of Speech, Upper Intermediate English, Advanced English, StatisticsI, Finite Math with Calculus, Accounting and finance, Economic Environment, Organizational Behaviour, Preparing for Business, Introduction to Management, Introduction to Quantitative Management.
Paralimni Lyceum, Paralimni-Cyprus June 1976
Courses:Religion Principles, Ancient Greek language, New Greek language, Greek history, English, French, Gymnastic, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.
License for Civil Weddings Officer , Cyprus Government June 2004
Diploma of interior design, Cyprus Government Seminars May 1995
Diploma of Instructor for folkloric dances, Cyprus Government Seminars June 2004
Civil Defense Section Leader November 1995
Ayia Napa Municipality - Accounting Department July 1992 - September 1999
Ayia Napa Municipality - Cultural & Marriage Officer September 1999
until Present
Experience and Competences:
- Excellent Organizing and conducting skillsgained from Municipal Festivals such as International Ayia Napa Festival, Medieval Festivaland Flood-Fish Festival.
- Very good Knowledgeof Municipal accountingspecially of Payroll system and other training seminars (full programme reference available)
- Cultural Department and civil Weddings Department managementskills, gained through the need of the job.
- Good communication skills gained through personnal experience by organising several Festivals and cooperate with my collegues
- Team spirit through group assessments and the need of team working
- Ability to managing paper work both in organising and classifying.
- Experiencing global cooperation between other cities and Ayia Napa Municipality
- Excellent knowledge of event managementand event fundamental needssuch as structure, technical equipment, speeches etc.
- Gaining knowledge with Windows Operating Systems after experiencetasks with Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
1. Greek
Excellent oral, writing and communication skills Greek (mother-tongue)
2. English
Excellent oral, writing and communication skills in English
3. Russian
Small oral communication
Computer Skills:
- Internet (Medium Level)
- Microsoft Office such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint (Medium Level)
First Aid knowledge:
- Familiar with first aid such as CPR and other techniques
(Seminars by Cyprus Civil Defense )
Other skills and life experiences:
- Travelling in many countries such as around Europe and Russia
- Participate as dancing member, in the Ayia Napa Municipal dancing Group for approximately 10 years
Driving Licence:
Holder of regular driving licensefor car issued in Cyprus
All references and certificates available on request